Al-Minhaj al-Sawi is a milestone work, the first work of its kind for many centuries. It is a compendium of Prophetic Hadiths, categorised under a number of headings and compiled with clear relevance to the lives and situation of Muslims in the modern age. The work is authenticated by a rigorous and detailed process of Takhreej – referencing each hadith to its sources – from a study of over 300 authentic works of hadith.
This work will be useful for academics in many relevant fields, whether researching the basis of orthodox Sunni belief and practice, or examining the contemporary Muslim response to religious extremism. It is split into 2 volumes: Prophetic Virtues and Miracles and Righteous Character and Social Interactions.
The second part Righteous Character & Social Interactions presents sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad concerning interactions with non-Muslims and non-Muslim communities, his method of prayer and spiritual devotion, his status and characteristics, and provides clarification of other important issues of the age, such as Jihad, Khawarijism, and Tassawuf.
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